Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Albies trip this morning

I've skipped the last few rounds of doublers at Albertsons, but this week was just too good. I spent $1.54 and saved $111.89 for everything in the picture above! That's 8 boxes of potatoes, 12 boxes of cheerios, 10 boxes of cake mix, 10 tubs of frosting, and 1 butterfinger (so I could use the $2 survey receipt I got early on this am to help pay for the cake mix/frosting deal). You can bet I'll be headed back in for more fun with doublers!


  1. sally m. WashingtonAugust 15, 2010 at 1:28 PM

    Could you please say how you did this trip? How many times did you go thru the line? It would be awesome to duplicate this. Thanks

  2. Sally, of course! I did 4 transactions (2 at each of my closest stores). Here are the two transactions I did:

    transaction #1:
    5 BC Cake Mix
    5 BC Frosting
    used 5 "save $.75 when you buy cake mix and frosting" q's from last week's inserts and three doublers. Total comes to $1.50 after the promo discount and all coupons.

    transaction #2:
    6 boxes Cheerios
    4 boxes BC Potatoes
    used six $1 Cheerios peelies and two $1 off 2 BC potatoes peelies plus doublers. You'll get a zero total (if you're lucky enough to find the right q's in store).

    Hope that helps some! There are also tons of $.50/2 peelies for the BC potatoes and $1/2 cheerios blinkies or $1 cheerios printables that you could use to try to work the deal if those are the items you want/need. Happy shopping!!

  3. *forgot to say that I added a $.50 butterfinger to one of the cake mix/frosting transactions and that's what I used my $2 survey/receipt coupon on. I paid $.04 in tax for the candybar

  4. Maygan, WOW!!!

    I haven't been to use my doublers yet. Thanks for listing the transactions. I didn't see the peelies for the potatoes when I looked the other day. I will look again and look for the cheerio ones too. Thanks!


  5. Jane, thanks. it was one of those trips where evrything just kind of fell into place perfectly. I did go back tonight and lucked out when I saw one of my favorite cashiers- he went back and tracked down a stack of doublers for me. These were definitly some things worth stockpiling :)
