It was very quick Safeway shopping trip for me today! We needed bread and diapers
(not a great deal, but the toddler needs 'sposies for overnight and we were completely out) and the boys were grumpy after getting their flu shots
(not because of the shots, but because of the clothing removal needed. I think the nurse got a good laugh out of it.) so it had to be a one-trip kind of thing. I also kind of wanted to do the frosting/cake mix thing (buy 2 get 3 free) because I had some ecoupons that'd make it a decent deal, except that my $5.97 for the "free" parts didn't come off so I have to go back tomorrow and get it fixed. Anywho, here's what I bought...
$27.90 (minus $5.97= $21.93)
spent, $38.59 (plus $5.97= $44.56)
savedThat's 60% (or 67% once I get things fixed)
Not the best trip ever, but certainly not terrible considering the diapers were originally $14.99 a pack! Most of that was the cost of diapers, I paid about $4 for everything else pictured.
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